A Thank You Letter

A while ago I was challenged to talk about a part of myself that I like. I really loved this idea because compliments for others seem to come so quickly to all of us and yet I'm definitely guilty of not showing myself the same love. I found it a challenge at first to find one thing I like about myself.

If I'm being perfectly honest the question left me thinking more about the bits of my body I don't like. My stomach that has had to digest excessive amounts of cheese and my bum that shows off its cellulite during bikini season. 

But then I stopped to think about what my body has achieved in the past 20 something years. Together we've gone on fantastic adventures, fallen in and out of love, made friends, memories and even lost a few memories after big nights out.

The more I thought about it and all the things me and my body have achieved the more it dawned on me that there was a part of me that I will always love. 

My feet. 

My feet have carried me across the world from China and Cancun to Swaziland and Antigua.

My feet have had the strength to walk me towards challenges that have terrified me and have been there to get me out of sticky situations quickly. Together we have walked the Great Wall of China, abseiled down buildings, swam with dolphins and climbed halfway up a mountain (we got tired and turned back).

To be honest I can't quite understand their loyalty. I've made them traipse around London, New York, Paris, Budapest and Warsaw for day on end with no rest. I've forced them into countless high heels that cause us both endless pain throughout a night out and then the day after. And there was even that time that I very nearly let little fishes nibble on them.
Even when I push my feet to the limit and they ache, they are always there for me the next day to take me off on the next adventure wherever that may be.

Me and my feet still have a lot of adventures left in us like walking down the aisle, standing on the beaches in Hawaii and chasing after our first child as they learn to ride a bike.

So while I might still view my stomach as a ‘problem area’ when has your stomach ever helped you learn how to drive, snorkel with turtles or skipped around Disney World after the most magical proposal ever? I think I'll stick with the excessive amounts of cheese and our incredible adventures together.

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