Disney Holiday & Proposal

Disney proposal video orlando world florida engagement video youtube holiday
I know I've already banged on about Disney World and what I will forever very biased-ly call 'THE BEST PROPOSAL EVER'. If you have somehow missed me banging on about it and have no idea what I'm talking about have a browse here to read the full story.

At the start of this year I made a New Year's Resolution to make a video to document each holiday we go on. I was in the middle of doing our Paris video when we went to Disney World and then I obviously dropped that project and got all caught up in wedding planning, venues and dresses. It took an age but I finally got round to putting together our Disney World Holiday video. There were quite a few tears making this not going to lie, happy tears but still a lot. Let me know what you think in the comments below, hope you like it!

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  1. This video is so cute! I totally just teared up reading your proposal post too...! x

    1. Awww thanks! I still tear up watching the video!


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